Xiaofei Wen

I’m an incoming Ph.D. student in Computer Science at University of California, Davis, advised by Prof. Muhao Chen.

Research Interest

My research interest lies in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and interactive dialogue systems. I am driven by the aspiration to develop intelligent systems capable of seamless conversations with humans.

Currently I am working on logical inconsistencies and hallucination problems (faithfulness and factualness) that arise in the Human-LLM interaction.

What’s News

2024.05: One paper is accepted by ACL 2024!

2024.04: Glad to join UCDavis LUKA Lab!

2023.06: Start internship at Netease Fuxi AI-NLP Lab !

2023.04: Work at Ant Group is accepted by IJCAI 2023 !

2022.10: One paper is accepted by EMNLP 2022 !

2022.09: Start my internship at Ant Group !